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Thad Dixon:

The fire started by combustibles being placed too close to the stove, dry goods like paper towels and stuff like that. The radiant heat from the stove started a fire.

Brooke Kelly:

A fire that was quickly put out thanks to this, a piece of equipment Battalion Fire Chief Thad Dixon says, he doesn’t see often but does work. And today, this little device did its job preventing a stove fire from becoming a major fire.

Thad Dixon:

This one went off and not the fire almost completely out before we got here.

Brooke Kelly:

Michael Scaife is the property manager here at Live Oak Plantation. He took us into a vacant apartment to show us the StoveTop FireStop. He says every apartment has two installed above the stove.


These cans disperse a powder that is able to put out even grease fires.

Brooke Kelly:

Scaife says, this is the first incident they’ve had where the device was put into action. He says, it proves this little can works.


It has the potential to save thousands of dollars in property damage and lives, also.

Brooke Kelly:

Here’s a demonstration from the company’s website.


There’s a temperature sensor device inside of the FireStop that when the temperature gets high enough, and if you have high flames, the can disperses this powder to put out the fire.

Brooke Kelly:

Scaife hopes installing these cans of StoveTop FireStop catches on, so they can prevent more fires.


And I hope that a lot of other apartment complexes start to take this into consideration also because it’s a low expense and it could save you thousands, and save lives also.

Brooke Kelly:

Just like firefighters say it did today. In Savannah, Brooke Kelly, WTOC news.